Tag Archives: Support The Coupland Times

The Coupland Times is Your Local Source for Great Products!


REDBUD ROASTERS is a local Mom and Pop shop in San Marcos, TX, founded in 2010 by Austin and Mary Van Zant, longtime residents of the Hill Country area. All of their coffee beans are certified organic and fair trade, as well as 100% Arabica, the premium bean. They are also shade grown, which means that the coffee trees incorporate local ecology into their planning, which in turn also produces a rich taste. They are roasted locally for the freshest bean in the area. *SPECIAL OFFER FOR COUPLAND AREA RESIDENTS: Click on REDBUD ROASTERS to see the different varieties and prices, then send a message to {This email is obscured. Your must have javascript enabled to see it} to order coffee or ask questions. I’ll save you the shipping cost and deliver it to your door! The offer is valid only for locations within 5 miles of downtown Coupland and is subject to availability.

engYOUNGEVITY! True health and wellness is only possible if it radiates from a solid, fundamentally sound center. Although the human body’s systems are complex and multi-dimensional, there exists a core group of nutrients that have the greatest influence in support of vibrant health. These 90 essential nutrients are at the very center of Youngevity’s commitment to improving lives through science-based, high quality nutrition. The 90 essential nutrients form the basis for Youngevity’s signature Healthy Body Start Pak™, a set of supplements specially selected for their excellent nutrient content, quality, and efficacy. It includes Beyond Tangy Tangerine®, Beyond Osteo-fx™ and Ultimate™ EFA Plus™. Click here for more information: 90ForLife

Coupland Times AdNERIUM SKIN CARE – If you have vibrant skin and want to retain that youthful, healthy glow for life, or wish you looked ten years younger so your outward appearance matched your inner youth, NeriumAD products have you covered! The NeriumAD product line is effective from the first application; however, you will see remarkable improvements in your skin’s appearance through continuous use. Ultimately, we know you want lasting results. That’s why NeriumAD is an ongoing choice, a daily ritual, which will help you achieve youthful-looking skin. No matter how young or old you are, great skin begins with NeriumAD. Are you ready to reflect your youth? Click here to get started: Great skin!

Your purchase of these products help support the publication of The Coupland Times, including its public services such as reporting on City Council meetings and other events of local interest. Thank you!