August Crime Report

Submitted by Jack and Barbara Piper, Neighborhood Watch Coordinators

Listedgo-to-jail-monopoly-150x150 below are the latest crime stats received from the Williamson County Sheriff’s Dept.:

Assault  –  FM 619
Recovered stolen vehicle – FM 619
Criminal Mischief – CR 460
Verbal disturbance – CR 491
Burglarly of habitation – CR 112
Driving while license suspended – FM 1466 Criminal Mischief – FM 619
Burglarly of habitation – CR 455 Assault – FM 1660

Traffic enforcements along FM 1466, Hwy. 95, FM 973, and FM 1660 yielded
citations for speeding, no drivers license, and expired license plate.

One thought on “August Crime Report

  1. Barbara

    Can you let the neighbors know that we are doing a Fundraiser for the Couplsnd fire department October 3 (Friday) from 6 on , we are offering. BBQ buffet of pulled pork and chicken w all trimmings , live music and I think an auction ( if we can get enough donations) and a live band w Kenny Orts for the donation of $20 per person . They are trying to buy training software, gloves, radios etc which are all very expensive . We would like to support our firemen and this is one way we can give back to them . We r calling this Our First Annual Firemansball . Please pass the word best u can ! Thanks Coupland inn and dancehall


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