L-R: Susan Garry, Barbara Piper, Jack Piper, Karen Marosko, Eldridge Tidwell, Susan Schmidt (September 12, 2013)
At its last regular meeting, the Coupland City Council addressed some major issues and continued to work on the administrative foundations that will affect Coupland in the years to come.
The City Secretary (Yours Truly) was absent but the digital secretary faithfully recorded the meeting. The Mayor and four Aldermen were present. Eldridge Tidwell was unable to attend.
Here are the highlights of the meeting:
- As of December 31, 2013, the City had a bank balance of $24,419.20. Mayor Piper noted that the City had receive a franchise fee payment from Oncor of $9,539.
- The Council reviewed a proposal for engineering services on an as-needed basis from Waeltze & Prete, Inc. This firm worked with the incorporation committee to draw up the map of the proposed city limits and ETJ of the City of Coupland before the City incorporated. The firm’s base fee is $220 with an hourly rate of $145. The proposal was unanimously approved.
- No action was taken on a plat application from a local land owner because a properly completed application had not yet been received by the City. There was some discussion about some of the potential issues of this first application after the adoption of Coupland’s Subdivision Ordinance. The Mayor asked the Aldermen to review the plat application form. Once a proper application is received and the associated fee is paid, the City has 30 days to act or the plat is automatically approved.
- The Mayor summarized a proposal for repairs to CR 458 from Naivar Construction. There was some discussion about whether or not the City should approach the Williamson County Commissioners Court for help with the road and an assessment of the City’s limited political power to affect County policy in this situation. Susan Garry discussed her findings on two companies that were recommended to her. She said the Naivar representative was concerned about other areas in need of repair. She said Naivar would work to get us in their schedule as soon as possible because of the serious condition of CR 458. A motion was made and seconded to accept Naivar’s bid and to authorize the Mayor to discuss other areas with them. The vote on that motion was unanimous. There was also some discussion on the responsibilities of TXDOT with regard to FM 1660 within city limits.
- There was a discussion about the process of amendments to City ordinances and the opportunity for the public to become involved in that process. One topic involved a potential grandfathering of family grants as an amendment to the new subdivision ordinance. It was noted that such a clause was in one of the subdivision ordinances that was reviewed by the Concerned Citizens Committee but it had been inadvertently left out of the ordinance that was finally adopted by the City. No formal action was taken but it appeared that the consensus of the Aldermen was that a proposal for such an amendment would be well-received.
There were no events or citizens recognized by the Council and no citizens signed up to address the Council. The Mayor noted that since there was no plat application to consider at this time, a second January meeting should not be necessary but would be scheduled if the situation changes. Otherwise, the next regular meeting will be on February 13.
[Publisher’s Note: I regret the delay in publishing this account. Other priorities have had to take precedence. I am sure readers have noticed a reduced number of published articles since December. I will continue to post articles as time permits with priority going to stories with the greatest potential to affect the citizens of Coupland. I welcome submissions from the readers, since editing submitted content takes much less time than creating original content. Thank you for your patience and for being a reader of the Coupland Times!]
Stewart-I have noticed that you & Jennifer frequently send out the same info. Maybe there’s a way to coordinate and save you some work there?? You probably have the smaller “mailing list”. Sarah
Thank you for your suggestion Sarah. It’s an interesting situation. We have Jennifer’s email list, the Civic Org. website, and now the website “Nextdoor Coupland,” all of which deal with issues related to Coupland. Some of what I originally set out to accomplish with the Coupland Times could be more easily effected with Nextdoor Coupland because that site was explicitly designed for those purposes . . . and they have much greater resources to support such a mission. Nevertheless, in the “About” page of The Coupland Times I said this: “I started CouplandTimes.com with the idea of creating an online periodical dedicated to exploring and sharing life in Coupland, Texas. I hope you will join me on this journey to meet the people of Coupland, to better understand the land, and to uncover and preserve its rich history.” Time constraints have prevented me from doing as much of that as I would like but I still enjoy doing it when I can. Sharing important news and providing a forum for others to share information has turned out to be the mainstay of the site. To a lesser degree, the site reflects my personal journey in understanding my new home — and my place in it — and sharing that journey with others. I remain committed to that aspect of the effort. I have the support of others, such as Susan Garry, who I am honored to list as a contributor. For example, her article on the road repairs was first rate and provided what I thought was an important perspective on a major development within the community. Thanks for being a reader and I hope you will continue to find value in being a subscriber. Oh, and thank you for sharing your thoughts. It gave me pause to more fully consider a question which had been rattling around in my brain for a while.