News About the Lone Star Rail District (Updated)

UPDATE – HERE IS A BETTER STORY: DERAILED! Georgetown City Council Votes To End Participation In Lone Star Rail District

new_logoGeorgetown might back out of the Lone Star Rail District. Here is an excerpt from a story that appeared in the Austin-American Statesman on June 20:

Georgetown has been paying an annual $50,000 membership fee since 2006, but a majority of the city council decided last week to put together a resolution to cancel the membership. They will vote whether to pass the resolution at their next regular meeting on Tuesday.

If you don’t have a copy of the Statesman available, you can get more of the story on the Austin-Amercian Statesman’s premium website called Georgetown might pull out of Lone Star Rail District

Click here to go to the Lone Star Rail District’s website for their perspective on the need for such rail service.

Thank you to Susan Garry for bringing this to my attention.  – Stewart Dale Spencer

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