Tag Archives: Sacred Springs Powwow

Sacred Springs Powwow Set for October 5


Sacred Springs Powwow
Saturday, Oct. 5, 2013
10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
921 Aquarena Springs Drive
San Marcos, TX
Native dancing, drumming, singing, arts & crafts, food booths.

Powwow parking in BOTH lots at Texas State Bobcat Stadium, with shuttle pick-up every ten minutes at both parking lots.

MAP, Parking & Directions click HERE


HOST HOTEL: Super 8  San Marcos 1429 N I-35 |  (512) 396-0400


 Special contests, new! CheckHERE for details on categories and prize money.

White Shaman Panel: The Coahuiltecan Creation Journey 
Presentations all day at Sacred Springs Powwow.
Click here for: DETAILS

[Publisher’s Note: This isn’t directly related to Coupland but you would have to go a long ways to have a similar experience. Perhaps one of the Indian tribes that used to inhabit this area will be represented at this unique event!]