Tag Archives: 2014 Election

Lower Brushy Creek Water Control Improvement District Tax Proposal

Lower Brush Creek WCID Presentation.001Click on the link below to download a PowerPoint presentation prepared by the Lower Brushy Creek WCID regarding their proposal for a 2% maintenance tax. It’s about 37 MB because one of the slides is a short video.

Lower Brushy Creek Presentation

Click here for a much smaller PDF copy without the embedded video. Slide 14 will be black.

Here is a related story: A Case for Saying No



Before You Vote on Tuesday . . .

. . . check out the 2014 VOTERS GUIDE from the League of Women Voters of Texas and the League of Women Voters in the Austin Area.

Click here to view or download it.

Be advised that ALL of the  incumbent Senators and Representatives for both the Federal Government and the State Government did not respond to the questions submitted to them by the League of Women Voters.

I'vd had just about enoughThe non-responsive government officials are:

  • Federal Senator John Cornyn
  • Federal Representative John Carter (District 31 – for most people in the Coupland area)
  • Federal Representative Bill Flores (District 17 for some Coupland area voters)
  • State Senator Charles Schwertner (District 5)
  • State Representative Larry Gonzales (District 52)

Evidently, our County Judge, Dan Gattis, and our County Commission, Ron Morrison, are concerned enough about keeping their jobs that they took the time to respond to the League of Women Voters’ questions.

City Election: Filing Period Begins Today!

Three terms on Coupland’s Board of Aldermen (a.k.a. City Council) expire in November. Those positions are currently held by Barbara Piper, Susan Schmidt, and Eldridge Tidwell. There has been no formal announcement by these current Aldermen regarding their intention to file for re-election.

According to the State of Texas Local Government Code for the Aldermanic form of government in a Type B General-law Municipality, if you want to serve as an alderman, you “must be a qualified voter in the municipality and must have resided within the municipal limits for at least the six months preceding election day.”

If you are interested in serving Coupland as an Alderman, you have from today though August 18 to file your application to appear on the Ballot. The 2014 General Election will be on November 4.

For more information, the official notice is posted at the Coupland Fire Station and on the City’s website: Election Notice.